Wednesday, September 24, 2008

24/9/08 Matters of the brain..

If psychologists and psychiatrists are out to earn money, how do patients know that they are truly helping them or keeping them sick so they can earn more money from them? Since psychologists know so much about the brain and how people think what prevents them from using that knowledge in manipulating people for their own purposes? If they also need to earn money then how do we know what their true motivations are and whether they are really 'good people' who truly deep down want to help people. They could be evil for all we know. I met one who was rude, bitchy and condescending, very unprofessional. So if we can't rely on even psychologists and psychiatrists to help us, the so-called experts of the human mind, then what hope is there left to help even ourselves? Scary when you think about it...

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