Tuesday, September 30, 2008

1/10/08 Age - the indomitable foe..

I met someone today whom I thought was older than me and when he told me his age he was actually 2 years younger than me, that came as a surprise because he looked older but the thing that bothered me was not that he was younger, but that I was older and thinking back, I have been meeting more and more people who are younger than me. It could mean either of 2 things: I'm just meeting more younger people for some reason or...I'm actually getting old. I have a feeling it's the latter. I'm 28. I know I know, most people are going to berate me for thinking I'm old at that age but you know, in the gay world 28 is like 56 or something. I might as well retire from the gay scene in 2 years time..give or take.
Gone were the days when I used to be the youngest in a group of people, now there's a much higher chance that I'm the oldest and that'll only increase the older I get. Time seems to move faster when you're older too and nowadays I feel so apprehensive of getting old that I try do to as much as I can in life before I'm too old and that results in me overextending myself and burning out mentally, sometimes I feel like my brain is going to short circuit and my body is gonna fall apart from watching too many movies, meeting too many people, having too much sex, eating as much as I can before my metabolism disappears, etc..Sigh, the bane of mortality. Let's hope someone discovers the fountain of youth before I get too old to reverse the ravages of aging!

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