Friday, September 19, 2008

19/9/08 - List of UNACCEPTABLE behaviour from so-called friends.

Today I decided (after meeting many people who call themselves friends but exhibit such unfriendly behaviour) to put together a list of what I think is unacceptable behaviour in a friendship:

What I find UNACCEPTABLE in a 'friendship':
1. Friends who actually became 'friends' with you because they wanted to sleep with you and when you say no they don't even want to be friends anymore. Just say if you want a fuck and be prepared to take no for an answer.

2. Friends who are usually friendly and totally ignore you when they're with someone whom they are interested in and don't want to introduce to you for fear of you 'stealing' that person away. Guess what, you're a bastard and you don't deserve friends.

3. Friends who want to sell you things or ask you to join schemes to earn money.

4. Friends who lie often.

5. Friends who borrow money and/or expect you to pay for stuff. Go rob a bank.

6. Friends who always ask you to fetch them, or worse, expect you to just because they don't have a car. Ever heard of taxis?

7. Friends who think they own you and you're not supposed to hang go out with the friends they introduce to you without them. That's just being selfish.

8. Friends who asks you straight for another friend's number when they just met. I'm not a pimp, ask for it yourself.

9. Friends who get to know you to get to know other people and/or find out about a person they like.

10. Friends who are fake, superficial and shallow.

11. Friends who are rude, who don't reply your sms when necessary and only at their convenience.

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