Sunday, November 16, 2008

Earth is 4.5 billion years old!

Parts of dialogue I had about my comment on Facebook: 4.5 billion years of earth and what are we but a speck of dust in the sands of time...

Yeah, just sometimes when I feel like I don't know where life and humanity is heading it makes me wonder, are we so self-important and caught up in our daily lives to not realize that it all actually means nothing when we are all dead and gone.

yes each one of us is unique but special? I'm not sure...Whether we mean anything in the bigger scheme of things is debatable.

I kinda disagree, no offence. That's just a way to console ourselves and validate our existence, the truth is, there is no way to prove that we're not just accidental life on this planet called earth and we build cities and monuments in the arrogance that we are great and mean something in this world, in this universe, when the likelihood is that we are actually just made up of particles that just live and die once expires.

I guess I'm coming from the angle of needing to know the meaning of our existence here and I'm getting more convinced that there is actually no meaning. We live, we eat, we shit, we fuck, we die.

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