Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Another year passes..

I'm not sure why but nowadays I always feel sad or bittersweet with every passing of an event such as a party or the passing of a year..or maybe even something as simple as a moment in time that I felt really happy with something or someone, maybe because I feel it has happened and going by so fast and lost to time the next moment and I can't reclaim it back and nothing has recorded it but my mind, and eventually that will also be lost to time..
There is a bittersweet feeling to every celebration, it is like a cloud that hangs over everything. It's like one of those music videos that move in slow motion and the people are laughing but the music playing is a sad song...I think that it's so sad everyone and everything has to age and become dust eventually but since that is what we are basically made of in the universe then that is what we must go back to...

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