Saturday, January 29, 2011

Licking the knife..

My friend and I were talking, as usual, about guys...and we got to talking about turnoffs for us. We're by no means perfect but everyone has some pet peeves and annoyances, and beyond that just 'crimes' that simply offend our sensibilities on a personal level so greatly that it may even cause us to rule out a potential mate..

For him it was 'licking the knife', apparently some very uncouth and uncultured people have to idea how to use cutlery properly and end up sticking the whole knife in the mouth when eating. The thought of it is hilarious and while to me it would be considered a minor offence, to him it was a deal-breaker and he simply decided he would rule out the guy.

For me it is burping. I hate indiscriminate burping and while I do find it so offensive, I'm a (very :) understanding guy generally and wouldn't consider it a deal-breaker, however if it happens often (which it probably would) then it would seriously affect my 'long term enjoyment' of the person's company!

Whatever it is, we all have things we can't stand, and while I always advocate compromising for the sake of 'bridging the gap', sometimes licking the knife just won't do!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Please save Malaysia!

I know I haven't written here in a while and while there are tons of reasons why I should continue (like not wanting to deprive the world of my rantings lol) I thought I should talk about this, I mean it's such an important issue; countries and governments have risen and toppled due to this and it is the VOICE OF THE PEOPLE.

I just attended a political rally for the opposition on Sunday and there were some damn passionate speakers ther. There were people of different races, gender (sexual preference too!) and all were united in speaking out against the injustices of the ruling government that has been in power for far too long (nearly six decades!) resulting in large scale corruption without fear of reprise and that is just wrong!

No government is above the law and hopefully the people of Malaysia will be united in taking down the present government that have dragged Malaysia through the mud along with its citizens. Vote the Opposition! Save Malaysia!