Thursday, July 16, 2009

Updating my blog!

Ok, after getting berated for not updating my blog (you know who you are N.H.! :p) I am now doing it. Gosh there's so much that's happened the past few months! I don't think I can even remember everything (yes old age is definitely catching up I think, time to be popping those ginkgo biloba pills!) but the notable ones would be 1. My birthday 2. The day my world fell apart when i found out something about my then bf and consequently his statement saying we're not bf anymore when it wasn't really my fault. I was TRAUMATISED. 3. My dog that I used to have but gave to a loving family when I came to KL died. and 4. D-Day. i.e. the BREAKUP.
Sigh, I don't know what to say anymore suffice that I guess it was not meant to be..From the beginning we had problems and we thought could sweep under the carpet but came back to bite us..I don't know, maybe if I had the strength and nonchalance to sweep everything under the carpet and not deal with things forever, even though he might have continue hurting (according to him) until something horribly terrible happens! (He never tells me anything and just keeps everything to himself and then goes and acts out and then I find out in a horrible fashion) then maybe the whole thing could have a chance of working out. But as it was, it just got too complicated, sordid and downright crazy for me so I opted out and I think it was for the best, for both of us..anyways, I was in such dying pain the first few days but now I'm handling it better, I hope we can be friends and put everything behind us, I still care for him and wish him well, and regret all the bad things that happened and that we did to each other but I know overall he's a good person and he loved me a lot and I did too and that is that.

1 comment:

nickk said...


tough time don't last tough people do :)