Thursday, March 25, 2010


I wonder..we're all drinking and using water all the time that we assume to be safe, but who really knows whether the water is being treated properly? Especially in a country like Malaysia where the attitude is reprehensible, who knows if the technicians are shirking their responsibility and not changing the treatment equipment as often as they should or at all? I suppose if they don't after a while we would taste the difference in water but what about the other stuff like chlorine and other chemicals that supposedly is bad for your health if there's too much but yet untraceable in the water? Do they constantly monitor and measure? You would think that responsible scientists are doing all this but I wouldn't be surprised if bumbling operators are left to monitor or make sure that everything works properly cause as we know..good help is hard to find! And this doesn't just apply to the municipal water supply, what about the private water companies that purportedly use sophisticated methods and stringent measurements to purify their water? Is it really all that?

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