Monday, February 8, 2010

Excerpts from a conversation..

'..even Snow White has seven men! No she has 7 dwarves...oooh she's so kinky!' this was in reference to how hard it is to get guys sometimes and even Snow White has several! Figuratively speaking of course..

'..lost weight but my bulge is still the same, I didn't lose weight in my bulge..' I said to my friend I lost weight but still retain my bulk and somehow he thought I said my bulge..and he doesn't mean the one above the waist..

'curi makan vs. openly makan' To those who do not speak Malay this means in the context of a relationship to 'secretly eat vs. openly eat' i.e. to cheat or to openly have sex with other guys even though attached..My policy is honesty is always the best..

'bottomfly' something to do with a sexual role..


savante said...

Naughty Snow White :) Make that eight men since you missed out her prince charming!

Jason said...

That's kinda hilarious :)