Monday, March 9, 2009

We're each others' superhero.

I know I said I was all written out, but something set me thinking..I just watched a movie called Watchmen and it was about superheroes. But instead of the usual Hollywood blockbuster fare, it provided a more intimate and gritty look at the characters and their fallibility even though they're superheroes. They are also prone to the inescapable behaviors that plague humans which goes beyond the glamourized exterior that is usually shown. Do we have real-life superheroes? My baby said that superheroes do not exist anymore, mother Theresa, Ghandi, etc all did their part and have passed on with no one to take over the reins. But instead of conferring superhero status on certain individuals, I would like to propose a different idea: that all of us are capable of being superheroes as long as we have the necessary values that makes a superhero. Courage, strength, integrity are all good attributes to have, they serve to elevate one to true superhero status, but I think nothing replaces the heart and passion that one needs, the core values that one internalises, that will ensure that one always stay true to being what a superhero is!

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